Google ScholarDiana Berman

  1. A. Macknojia, A. Ayyagari, D. Zambrano, A. Rozenkranz, E.V. Shevchenko, D. Berman*: “Superlubricity Induced by MXene MoS2 Nanocomposites on Rough Steel Surfaces under High Contact”, ACS Nano (2023)
  2. K. Omotosho, J. Tran, E.V. Shevchenko, D. Berman*: “Polymer infiltration synthesis of inorganic nanoporous coatings: Does polymer template affect their properties?”, Surf Coat Technol (2023)
  3. E. Cairns, A. Ayyagari, C. McCoy, S. Berkebile, D. Berman*, S.M. Aouadi, A.A. Voevodin: “Tribological Behavior of Molybdenum Disulfide and Tungsten Disulfide Sprayed Coatings in Low Viscosity Hydrocarbon Environments”,  Tribol Intern 179 (2023), 108206,
  4. A. Shirani, R. Al Sulaimi, A. Macknojia, M. Eskandari, D. Berman: “Tribocatalytically-active nickel/cobalt phosphorous films for universal protection in a hydrocarbon-rich environment.” Scientific Reports, 13(1) (2023) 10914.
  5. A. Macknojia, A. Ayyagari, E. Shevchenko, D. Berman*: “MXene/graphene oxide nanocomposites for friction and wear reduction of rough steel surfaces”. Scientific Reports, 13(1) (2023) 11057.
  6. R. Al Sulaimi, A. Macknojia, M. Eskandari, A. Shirani, B. Gautam, W. Park, P. Whitehead, A. Alonso, J. Sedbrook, K. Chapman, D. Berman*: “Evaluating the effects of very long chain and hydroxy fatty acid content on tribological performance and thermal oxidation behavior of plant-based lubricants. Tribology International, 185 (2023) 108576.
  7. K. Jacques, A. Shirani, J. Smith, T. Scharf, S. Walck, S. Berkebile, O. Eryilmaz, A. Voevodin, S. Aouadi, D. Berman*: “MoVN-Cu Coatings for In-Situ Tribocatalytic Formation of Carbon-Rich Tribofilms in Low-Viscosity Fuels”, ACS Appl Mater Interf (2023),
  8. A. Shirani, S. Berkebile, D. Berman*“Promoted high-temperature lubrication and surface activity of polyolester lubricant with added phosphonium ionic liquid”, Tribol Intern 180  (2023), 108287,
  9. G. Gamboa, Z. Wright, D. Berman, S. Aouadi, M. Young, N. Ku, R. Brennan: “Experimental investigation and simulation of Al/B4C metal matrix composites produced using magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting of porous ceramic structurest”, MRS Advances (2023) 1-7,
  10. K. Gao, W. Bin, D. Berman, Y. Ren, L. Yilong; J. Luo, G. Xie: “Self-adaptive Macroscale Superlubricity Based on the Tribocatalytic Properties of Partially Oxidized Black Phosphorus”, Nano Letters, in press  (2023)
  11. S. Gaddam, R. Haridas, D. Tammana, C. Sanabria, C. Lammi, D. Berman, R. Mishra: “Double-sided friction stir welding of Nitronic-40 stainless steel for application in tokamak devices”, J Mater Sci Technol (2023), 159, 170-183, . 
  1. C. Ji, Z. Zhang, K. Omotosho, D. Berman, B. Lee, R. Divan, S. Guha, E. V. Shevchenko: “Porous but Mechanically Robust All-Inorganic Antireflective Coatings Synthesized using Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity”, ACS Nano (2022)
  2. M. Marian, D. Berman*, D. Nečas, N. Emami, A. Ruggiero, A. Rosenkranz: “Roadmap for 2D materials in biotribological/biomedical applications – A review”, Adv Coll Interf Science 307 (2022), 102747,
  3. A. Shirani, Y. Li, J. Smith, J. F. Curry, P. Lu, M. Wilson, M. Chandross, N. Argibay, D. Berman*“Mechanochemically Driven Formation of Protective Carbon Films from Ethanol Environment”, Mat Today Chem. 26 (2022), 101112,
  4. S. Gaddam, R.S. Haridas, C. Sanabria, D. Tammana, D. Berman, R. Mishra: “Friction stir welding of SS 316 LN and Nitronic 50 jacket sections for application in superconducting fusion magnet systems”. Materials & Design. (2022) 110949.
  5. A. Ayyagari, I. Alam, D. Berman*, A. Erdemir: “Progress in Superlubricity Across Different Media and Material Systems - A Review”, invited review article, Frontiers Mech Eng. (2022),
  6. W. Liu, X. Guo, J. Schwartz, H. Xie, N. Dhale, S.H. Sung, A.L.N. Kondusamy, X. Wang, H. Zhao, D. Berman, R. Hovden, L. Zhao, B. Lv: “A three-stage magnetic phase transition revealed in ultrahigh-quality van der Waals magnet CrSBr”, ACS Nano (2022),
  7. S. Bakkar, S. Thapliyal, N. Ku, D. Berman, S. Aouadi, R. Brennan, M. Young: “Controlling anisotropy of porous B4C structures through magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting”, Ceramics Intern (2022),
  8. M. Baykara, D. Berman, A. Rozenkranz: “Editorial: Superlubricity across the scales,”, Frontiers in Chemistry (2022),
  1. D. Berman*, A. Erdemir: “Achieving Ultralow Friction and Wear by Tribocatalysis: Enabled by In-Operando Formation of Nanocarbon Films”, invited review article, ACS Nano 15 (2021), 18865,
  2. M. Marian, D. Berman*, A. Rota, R. Jackson, A. Rosenkranz: “Layered 2D Nanomaterials to Tailor Friction and Wear in Machine Elements—A Review”, invited review article, Adv Mater Interf , 2101622 (2021),
  3. A. Shirani, Y. Li, O.L. Eryilmaz, D. Berman*: “Tribocatalytically-activated carbon-based tribofilm formation for wear reduction in alkane environment”, Nat Sci Rep 11, 20643 (2021),
  4. D. Pleshek, J. Tran, Y. Li, A. Shirani, E. Shevchenko, D. Berman*“Swelling-assisted sequential infiltration synthesis of nanoporous ZnO films with highly accessible pores and their sensing potential for ethanol”, ACS Appl Mater Interf 13, 35941 (2021),
  5. K. Gao, B. Wang, A. Shirani, Q. Chang, D. Berman*“Macroscale superlubricity accomplished by Sb2O3-MSH/C under high temperature”, Frontiers in Chemistry 9, 226 (2021),
  6. D. Berman*, Y. Sha, E. Shevchenko: “Effect of Polymer Removal on the Morphology and Phase of the Nanoparticles in All-Inorganic Heterostructures Synthesized via Two-Step Polymer Infiltration”, Molecules 26, 679 (2021),
  7. A. Shirani, J. Lee, D. Berman*“Thermal stability and gas absorption characteristics of ionic liquid-based solid polymer electrolytes”, J Chem Phys 154, 054902 (2021),
  8. K. Jacques, N. Murthy, S. Dixit, D. Berman*, S. Berkebile: Method for Tribological Experiment to Study Scuffing Initiation on AISI 52100 Steel and Hard Ceramic Coatings”, Tribol Intern 160, 107001 (2021), 10.1016/j.triboint.2021.107001
  9. B. Wang, K. Gao, Q. Chang, D. Berman, Y. Tian: “Magnesium Silicate Hydroxide-MoS2-Sb2O3 Coating Nanomaterials for High-Temperature Superlubricity”, ACS Appl Nano Mater 4, 7097 (2021),
  10. T. Chowdhury, N. D’Souza, D. Berman“Electrospun Fe3O4-PVDF Nanofiber Composite Mats for Cryogenic Magnetic Sensor Applications”, Textiles 1, 227-238 (2021),
  11. S. Bakkar, M. Wall, N. Ku, D. Berman, S. Aouadi, R. Brennan, M. Young: “Al/Al2O3 metal matrix composites produced using magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting of porous ceramic structures”, J Mater Res 36, 2094 (2021),
  12. V. Safonov, D. Bas, D. Berman, Y. Rostovtsev, J. Roberts, M. McConney, M. Page: “Adaptation of Fluctuating Magnetoacoustic System to External Signals”, IEEE Access 9 (2021),
  1. D. Berman*, E. Shevchenko: “Design of functional composite and all-inorganic nanostructured materials via infiltration of polymer templates with inorganic precursors”, invited review article Journal of Materials Chemistry C  (2020),
  2. J. Lee, V. Hasannaeimi, T. W. Scharf, D. Berman*: “Mechanical and chemical robustness of the aluminum oxide-infiltrated block copolymer films and the resulting aluminum oxide coatings”, Surf Coat Technol 399, 126204 (2020),
  3. A. Shirani, T. Joy, A. Rogov, M. Lin, A. Yerokhin, J.-E. Mogonye, A. Korenyi-Both, S. Aouadi, A. Voevodin, D. Berman*: “PEO-Chameleon as a potential protective coating on cast aluminum alloys for high-temperature applications”, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2020), Article
  4. M. Safonov, J. You, J. Lee, V. Safonov, D. Berman*, D. Zhu: “Hydrogen generating patch improves skin cell viability, migration activity, and collagen expression”, Engineered Regen. 1 (2020),
  5. I. Cockerill, Y. Su, J. Lee, D. Berman, M.L. Young, Y. Zheng, D. Zhu: “Micro-/Nanotopography of bioresorbable zinc dictates cytocompatibility, bone cell differentiation, and macrophage polarization”, Nano Lett. (2020),
  6. S. Singh, J. M. Young, D. C. Jones, D. Berman, B. Rout: “Observation of room-temperature superparamagnetic behavior of Fe5Si3 nanocrystals synthesized via 50 keV Fe ion implantation in silicon”, Appl Phys A 126, 232 (2020),
  7. A. Shirani, T. Joy, I. Lager, J. Lindberf-Yilmaz, H-L. Wang, S. Jeppson, E.B. Cahoon, K. Chapman, S. Stymne, D. Berman*: “Lubrication characteristics of wax esters from oils produced by a genetically-enhanced oilseed crop”, Tribology International (2020), Article
  8. S. Aouadi, J. Gu, D. Berman“Self-healing ceramic coatings that operate in extreme environments: a review”, J Vac Sci Technol A 38, 050802 (2020),
  9. S. Bakkar, J. Lee, N. Ku, D. Berman, S. Aouadi, R. Brennan, M. Young: “Design of porous aluminum oxide ceramics using magnetic field-assisted freeze casting”, J Mater Res (2020).
  10. S. Bakkar, M.V. Pantawane, J.J. Gu, A. Ghoshal, M. Walock, M. Murugan, M.L. Young, N. Dahotre, D. Berman, S.M. Aouadi: “Laser surface modification of porous yttria stabilized zirconia against CMAS degradation”, Ceramics International 46, 6038-6045 (2020),
  11. D. Berman*: “Nanoscale Materials for Macroscale Applications: Design of Superlubricity from 2D Materials”, book chapter in 21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook Industrial Applications, vol. 9 (2020) CRC Press.
  1. A. Shirani, Q. Hu, Y.Su, T. Joy, D. Zhu, D. Berman*: “Combined tribological and bactericidal effect of nanodiamonds as potential lubricant for artificial joints”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, 46 (2019),  Article
  2. D. Berman, K.C. Mutyala, S. Srinivasan, S. Sankaranarayanan, A. Erdemir, E.V. Shevchenko, A. V. Sumant: “Iron‐Nanoparticle Driven Tribochemistry Leading to Superlubric Sliding Interfaces”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1901416 (2019),
  3. T. Romsdahl, A. Shirani, R. E. Minto, C. Zhang, E. B. Cahoon, K. D. Chapman, D. Berman*: “Nature-Guided Synthesis of Advanced Bio-Lubricants”, Nature Scientific Reports 9, 11711 (2019),
  4. Y. She, E. Goodman, J. Lee, B. T Diroll, M. Cargnello, E. V Shevchenko, D. Berman*: “Block-Copolymer Assisted Synthesis of All Inorganic Highly Porous Heterostructures with Highly Accessible Thermally Stable Functional Centers”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, 33 (2019),
  5. A. Shirani, N. Nunn, O. Shenderova, E. Osawa, D. Berman*: “Nanodiamonds for improving lubrication of titanium surfaces in simulated body fluid”, Carbon 143 (2019),
  6. Y. She, J. Lee, B. Lee, B. Diroll, T. Scharf, E. Shevchenko, D. Berman*: “Effect of the micelle opening in self-assembled amphiphilic block copolymer films on the infiltration of inorganic precursors”, Langmuir 29, 49 (2019), 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b04039
  7. K. Jacques, T. Joy, A. Shirani, D. Berman*: “Effect of Water Incorporation on the Lubrication Characteristics of Synthetic Oils”, Tribology Letters 67, 105 (2019),
  8. J.J. Gu, S.S. Joshi, Y-S. Ho, B.W. Wei, T.Y. Huang, J. Lee, D Berman, N.B. Dahotre, S.M. Aouadi: “Oxidation-induced healing in laser-processed thermal barrier coatings”, Thin Solid Films 688, 137481 (2019),
  9. V. Ponomarev, A. Sheveyko, E. S Permyakova, J. Lee, A. A Voevodin, D. Berman, A. Manakhov, M. Michlicek, P. Slukin, V. Firstova, G S. Ignatov, I. V Chepkasov, Z. I Popov, D. V Shtansky: “TiCaPCON-Supported Pt-and Fe-based Nanoparticles and Related Antibacterial Activity”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2019),
  10. J. Lee, A. Kuchibhotla, D. Banerjee, D. Berman*: “Silica nanoparticles as copper corrosion inhibitors”, Materials Res Express 6, 8 (2019),
  11. S. Chugh, N. Adhikari, J.Lee, D. Berman, L. Echegoyen, A. Kaul: “Dramatic enhancement of optoelectronic properties in electrophoretically deposited C60-graphene hybrids”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, 27 (2019),
  12. A. Shirani, J.Gu, B.Wei, J. Lee, S. Aouadi, D. Berman*: “Tribologically enhanced self-healing of niobium oxide surfaces”, Surface and Coatings Technology 364, 273-278 (2019),
  13. C. Shi, O. L.G. Alderman, D. Berman, J. Du, J. Neuefeind, A. Tamalonis, R. Weber, J. You, C. J. Benmore: “The structure of amorphous and deeply supercooled liquid alumina”, Frontiers in Materials, 6, 38 (2019),
  1. X. Li, A. M. Teitgen, A. Shirani, J. Ling, L. Busta, R. E. Cahoon, W. Zhang, Z. Li, K. D. Chapman, D. Berman, C. Zhang, R. E. Minto, E. B. Cahoon “Discontinuous Fatty Acid Elongation Yields Hydroxylated Seed Oil with Improved Function”, Nature Plants 4, 711-720 (2018), . Highlighted in:
  2. D. Berman, B. Narayanan, S. Sankaranarayanan, A. Erdemir, A. V. Sumant: “Operando tribochemical formation of onion-like-carbon leads to macroscale superlubricity”, Nature Communications, 9, 1164 (2018), . Highlighted in:
  3. D. Berman*, A. Erdemir, A.V. Sumant: “Approaches for Achieving Superlubricity in Two-Dimensional Materials”, invited review article, ACS Nano 12, 2122-2137 (2018),
  4. Y. She, J. Lee, B. Diroll, T. Scharf, E. Shevchenko, D. Berman*: “Accessibility of the pores in highly porous alumina films synthesized via sequential infiltration synthesis”, Nanotechnology 29, 49  (2018),
  5. J.Lee, X. Hu, A. Voevodin, A. Martini, D. Berman*: “Effect of substrate support on dynamic graphene/metal electrical contacts”, Micromachines 9 (4), 169 (2018),
  6. X. Hu, J.Lee, D. Berman*, A. Martini: “Substrate Effect on the Electrical Conductance at a Nanoasperity-Graphene Contact”, Carbon 137, 118-124 (2018),
  7. D. Berman, A Erdemir, AV Sumant, “Graphene-based superlubricity solution for macroscale applications”, Tribology & Lubrication Technology 74 (1), 45-45 (2018).
  8. D. Berman*, W. Brostow, H. E. H. Lobland, N. Khare, J. M. Perez: “Friction and wear of carbon containing composites”, ASM Handbook, Volume 18: Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology (2018). 
  9. J. Lee, D. Berman*: “Inhibitor or promoter: Insights on the corrosion evolution in a graphene protected surface”, Carbon 126, 225-231 (2018),
  1. Y. She, J. Lee, B. Diroll, B. Lee, S. Aouadi, E. Shevchenko, D. Berman*: “Rapid Synthesis of Nanoporous Conformal Coatings via Plasma-Enhanced Sequential Infiltration of a Polymer Template”, ACS Omega 2, 7812-7819 (2017),
  2. J. Lee, M. Atmeh, D. Berman*: “Effect of trapped water on the frictional behavior of graphene oxide layers sliding in water environment”, Carbon 120, 11-16 (2017),
  3. D. Berman*, S. Guha, B. Lee, J.W. Elam, S.B. Darling, E.V. Shevchenko: “Sequential Infiltration Synthesis for the design of low refractive index surface coatings with controllable thickness”, ACS Nano 11, 2521-2530 (2017), . Highlighted in: 
  4. Q. Chang, P. Rudenko, D.J. Miller, J.Wen, D. Berman, Y. Zhang, B. Arey, Z. Zhu, A. Erdemir: “Operando formation of an ultra-low friction boundary film from synthetic magnesium silicon hydroxide additive”, Tribology International 110, 35-40 (2017), .
Before 2017
  1. D. Berman,  S.A. Deshmukh, B. Narayanan, S. Sankaranarayanan, Y. Liu, A. Zinovev, D. Rosenmann, A. V. Sumant: “Metal induced transformation of diamond into single domain graphene on wafer scale in seconds”, Nature Communications 7 (2016), . Highlighted in:
  2. D. Berman, S. Deshmukh, S. Sankaranarayanan, A. Erdemir, A. V. Sumant: “Macroscale superlubricity enabled by graphene nanoscroll formation”, Science, 348, 6239, 1118 (2015),  . Highlighted in:
  3. D. Berman, A. Erdemir, A. Zinovev, A.V. Sumant: “Nanoscale friction properties of graphene and graphene oxide”. Diamond and Relat Mater, 54, 91 (2015), .
  4. D. Berman, S. Deshmukh, S. Sankaranarayanan, A. Erdemir, A. V. Sumant: “Extraordinary macroscale wear resistance of one atom thick graphene layer”, Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 6640 (2014), . Highlighted in:
  5. D. Berman, A. Erdemir, A.V. Sumant: “Graphene: A new emerging lubricant”. Materials Today, Invited Review Article 17, 31-42 (2014), .
  6. D. Berman, A. Erdemir, A.V. Sumant: “Graphene as a protective coating and superior lubricant for electrical contacts”. Applied Physics Lett, 105, 231907 (2014), .
  7. D. Berman, A. Erdemir, A.V. Sumant: “Few layer graphene to reduce wear and friction on sliding steel surfaces”. Carbon, 54, 454-459 (2013), Highlighted in:
  8. D. Berman, A. Erdemir, A.V. Sumant: “Reduced Wear and Friction Enabled by Graphene Layers on Sliding Steel Surfaces in Dry Nitrogen”, Carbon, 59, 167-175 (2013), .
  9. D. Berman, J. Krim: “Surface Science, MEMS and NEMS: Progress and opportunities for surface science research performed on, or by, microdevices.” Progress in Surface Science, Invited Review Article, 88, 171-211 (2013), .
  10. D. Berman, and J. Krim: “Impact of oxygen and argon plasma exposure on the roughness of gold film surfaces”, Thin Solid Films, 520, 6201–6206 (2012), .
  11. D. Berman, M. J. Walker, C. Nordquist, and J. Krim: “Impact of adsorbed organic monolayers on vacuum electron tunneling contributions to electrical resistance at an asperity contact.” J. Appl. Phys., 110, 11 (2011), .
  12. M. J. Walker, D. Berman, C. Nordquist, and J. Krim: “Electrical Contact Resistance and device lifetime measurements of Au-RuO2 based RF MEMS exposed to hydrocarbons in vacuum and nitrogen environments.” Tribology Letters, 44, 305 (2011), .
  13. D. Berman, M.J. Walker and J. Krim: “Contact voltage-induced softening of RF microelectromechanical system gold-on-gold contacts at cryogenic temperatures.” J. Appl. Phys. 108, 044307 (2010), .