W. Brostow, T.S. Dziemianowicz, M. Hess and R. Kosfeld, Equilibrium and Non-equlibrium Phases and Phase Diagrams in Blends of Polymer Liquid
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W. Brostow, T.S. Dziemianowicz, M. Hess and R. Kosfeld, Blending Longitudinal Polymer Liquid Crystals with Engineering Polymers: The Importance
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W. Brostow, H. Ertepinar and R.P. Singh, Chain Conformations and Degradation of Drag Reducers in Flowing Dilute Polymer Solutions, Macromolecules 1990, 23, 5109.
W. Brostow, Properties of Polymer Liquid Crystals: Choosing Molecular Structures and Blending, Polymer 1990, 31, 979. [pdf file]
N.N. Medvedev, A. Geiger and W. Brostow, Distinguishing Liquids from Amorphous Solids: Percolation Analysis on the Voronoi
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