LAPOM specializes in development of materials, components and coatings with predefined
mechanical (high load applications), tribological (high scratch and wear resistance),
thermophysical (service at high temperatures, low thermal expansivity) and dielectric
(a wide range of dielectric constants) applications. The Laboratory also specialized
in prediction of service performance, reliability and service life; see Performance
of Plastics edited by W. Brostow, Hanser Publishers 2000.
LAPOM also performs characterization and testing of materials, consultancy and trouble-shooting
in the areas of manufacturing, processing and analysis of materials. It undertakes
computer modeling of materials and processes. The Laboratory is associated with the
Departments of Materials Science and Engineering, Physics and Mechanical Engineering at the University of North Texas (UNT). LAPOM has also established itself as a basic research laboratory; see the List of
Publications arranged by years.
LAPOM provides opportunities for the education of its members and obtaining degrees
at several levels including MS and PhD. The Laboratory acknowledges the support extended
by many international, national, and Texas companies and organizations for its research
For the first 11 years LAPOM has hosted the POLYCHAR World Forum on Advanced Materials which since POLYCHAR-5 attracts each time participants from more than 40 countries. You can visit the POLYCHAR homepage at
The faculty, staff and students in LAPOM represent several professions: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Engineering and Physics. Thus, the Laboratory has capabilities to solve complex problems requiring interdisciplinary cooperation.