Team ASTM has been tasked with designing a sumobot, which is a robot constructed and programmed to perform like a sumo wrestler in an arena competition.  The primary objective of the competition is to push the opposition sumobot outside of the boundary line representing the arena before our team’s sumobot is pushed out of bounds.

To accomplish this task, the team was limited to constructing a sumobot that was no longer than 20-cm, no wider than 20-cm, and powered by no more than 12-volts of direct current.  For the input sensors, each team was allowed to use any combination and total number of infrared line sensors, touch sensors, ultrasonic range sensors, and infrared range sensors for data acquisition.  Writing the functionality code, controlling the servo motors, and processing the input data was accomplished with an Arduino motor shield, Arduino Mega board, circuitry bread board, and Arduino software used in conjunction with a common laptop computer.  All items were mounted on an INSMA Motor Smart Robot Car Chassis Kit with a 6-volt battery pack (4 x AA batteries) and the two servo motors that were included.  The bill of materials showing the individual cost of parts and total cost of the project is shown in Figure A1 of the appendix.