In the ARM Lab, we are conducting fundamental research in different areas including Soft Robotics, Bio-inspire Sensors and Actuators, Rehabilitation Robotics, Human Augmentations, Exoskeletons, Prosthesis and Haptic Devices.

The main focus of the ARM Lab is on design and development of novel robotic platforms (including sensors, actuators, materials and mechanisms) that can physically interact with humans.

PhD Openings

Two new PhD positions are available: Advanced Robotic Manipulators (ARM) lab in Department of Biomedical Engineering (BMEN), at the University of North Texas (UNT) is seeking two strong PhD candidates to join our diverse and motivated team of undergraduate and graduate students.

Treadmill with Adjustable Stiffness (TwAS)
Actuator with Adjustable Stiffness (AwAS-II)
Stiffness adjustable rotary joint (CompACT-VSA)
Energy effiecient Linear VarIable Stiffness (ELVIS) Joint
Treadmill with Adjustable Stiffness (TwAS)