Anupama Kaul

Electrical Engineering,Materials Science and Engineering
PACCAR Professor of Engineering

Discovery Park C136G

Anupama Kaul

Faculty Info | Research Profile | Website | Google Scholar 

  • Ph.D., Materials Science & Engr. (MSE), University of California, Berkeley, CA, 2000. Minors: ECE; Physics
  • M.S., Materials Science & Engr. (MSE), University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1997
  • M.S.Courses, Eng. Courses (HP-sponsored), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1994
  • B.S. w/ Honors, Physics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR,1992
  • B.S. w/ Honors, Engineering Physics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1992, Minor: Math, Magna Cum Laude

Ph.D. & M.S. Research Advisors (UC Berkeley)

Prof. Theodore Van Duzer (ECE), now Emeritus; and Prof. Timothy D. Sands (MSE) co-advisor, now President at Virginia Tech.


Dr. Kaul’s research revolves around exploring the electrical, optical and mechanical properties of nanoscale materials for device applications. In particular, her research is currently focused on the synthesis, materials property characterization and integration of layered nanomaterials for a wide range of devices.

For further details on current research activity in the Kaul Group, please visit the Nanoscale Materials and Devices Laboratory (NMDL) link:

Please visit Faculty Info page and click "Publications" tab.
Professional Experience

Appointment Summary

  • 9/2017 – Present University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, TX
    • PACCAR Professor of Engineering; Department of Materials Science & Engineering; Department of Electrical Engineering (joint)
    • Director, PACCAR Technology Institute, College of Engineering 
    • Founder & Director, Nanoscale Materials and Devices Laboratory (NMDL)
  • 9/2017 – Present  University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), TX
    • Adjunct Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 9/2014 – 8/2017  University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), TX
    • Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies, College of Engineering
    • AT&T Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
    • Director, Nanomaterials and Devices Laboratory (NDL)
  • 2011– 2014  National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, VA
    • Program Director (IPA from JPL-Caltech), ECCS Division, Engineering Directorate
  • 2002 – 2014  Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA), California Inst. of Tech. (Caltech), Pasadena, CA
    • Senior Member of Technical Staff, Task Manager
  • 2000 – 2002  Motorola Labs-Corporate Headquarters, Schaumburg, IL
    • Senior Research Engineer
  • 1993 – 1995  Hewlett-Packard (HP) R&D Division, HP, Corvallis, OR
    • R&D Engineer

Recent Leadership Highlights

  • 2016 – Present  External Advisory Board Member, Penn State University’s Two-dimensional (2D) Crystal Consortium (2DCC) – Materials Innovation Platform (MIP). The 2DCC-MIP is an NSF supported National User Facility for 2D materials research funded at the level of $18 Million (5 years; renewable for additional 5 years).
  • 2012 – 2014  Created and led the 2-Dimensional Atomic-layer Research and Engineering (2-DARE) Program under the NSF’s Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) initiative.  This program created new funding at ~ $50 Million level in partnership with the Department of Defense to support research on 2D layered materials and devices in the US.
  • 2015 – 2016  Chair (and Principal Investigator on NSF Proposal) of US EU Workshop on 2D Layered Materials and Devices held in 2015 that involved the European Union (EU) Graphene Flagship Program (funded at level of ~ $10 Billion Euros over 10 years) and leading US researchers working on 2D layered materials and devices.  A direct outcome of this workshop was the issuance of a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) by the NSF in 2016 ( to promote cross-Atlantic collaborations between US and EU researchers in this area of research.   
  • 2015 – 2016  Fellow, ELATE Class of 2016; Executive Leadership in Academic Technology and Engineering (ELATE) Program is a national year-long leadership development program for senior women faculty in Engineering, Science and Technology, administered by Drexel University.
  • 2017 – Present  Director, PACCAR Technology Institute, a university Institute which will be focused on promoting interdisciplinary research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at UNT.

Service & Advisory Boards (Selected)

  • Associate Editor of the IEEE Sensors Journal
  • International Advisory Panel Member of the Materials Xpress Journal for the Institute of Physics
  • American Editor of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters
  • Associate Editor of Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering and serves on the Editorial Board of several other journals.
  • Editor of Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices and Manufacturability:CRC Press
  • External Advisory Committee Member of the Penn State University's 2D Crystal Consortium – Materials Innovation Platform (2DCC-MIP), a national user facility dedicated to 2DLMs that was recently funded by the National Science Foundation
  • Member: Materials Research Society (MRS), American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), American Chemical Society (ACS), American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), IEEE

US Patents (Issued)

  1. A. B. Kaul "Methods for gas sensing with single-walled carbon nanotubes," US Patent 8,529,124 B2, California Institute of Technology, granted Sep. 2013.
  2. H. M. Manohara, and A. B. Kaul, "Carbon nanotube vacuum gauges with wide-dynamic range and processes thereof," US Patent 8,387,465 B2, California Institute of Technology, granted Mar. 2013.
  3. A. B. Kaul, L. W. Epp, and L. Bagge, "Applications and methods of operating a three-dimensional nano-electro-mechanical resonator and related devices," US Patent 8,435,798 B2, California Institute of Technology, granted May 2013.
  4. A. B. Kaul and J. B. Coles, "Thermally-resilient, broadband optical absorber from UV-to-IR derived from carbon nanostructures and method of making the same," US Patent 8,947,800 B2, California Institute of Technology, granted Feb. 2015.
  5. A. B. Kaul, E. W. Wong, R. Baron, and L. Epp, "Carbon nanotube switches for memory, RF communication and sensing applications and methods of making the same," US Patent 7,446,044, California Institute of Technology, granted Nov. 2008.
  6. T. Van Duzer, X. Meng, N. Newman, L. Yu and A. B. Kaul, "Internally shunted Josephson junction device," US Patent 6,734,454 B2, University of California-Berkeley, granted May 2004.
Honors and Awards

Awards & Recognition (Selected)

  • National Science Foundation's Director's Award for Program Management Excellence for leadership in the creation of a new Initiative at NSF totaling nearly $50 M in partnership with the Department of Defense, 2013
  • NASA Service Award, 2010
  • NASA Team Accomplishment Award, 2007
  • Multiple NASA Patent Awards 2005 - 2013 and numerous NASA Technology Brief Awards for her research
  • US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) 2012 Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) Symposium, Warren, MI
  • US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) 2014 bi-lateral Indo-US FOE Symposium, Mysore, India
  • Fellow of the Class of 2016 ELATE Program (Executive Leadership in Academic Technologies and Engineering) coordinated by Drexel University
  • More than 60 invited and keynote talks at major international conferences and meetings sponsored by professional societies (IEEE, SPIE, MRS, TMS, and NSTI, among others)
  • Senior Member, IEEE